
Nintendo8.com is a great site to get your fix of some classics Nintendo games online.


Fucking flying ants are owning my apartment right now. I can only do so much bug squishing in one day!

I came across this neat blog today, it's called Springfield Punx. Basically a blog devoted to creating Simpsons characters from famous characters in pop culture. Really cool stuff.


Stephen King's novel "The Stand" in the Marvel Universe? I am just hearing about this now, but I haven't purchased a comic book in years. I might just have to break down and buy this series, it looks too cool to pass up.


The poster of this vid probably just got the code from Nintendo Power, but it gave me some nostalgic satisfaction for some reason. Also I want to apologize for being a lazy blogger.




Props to X-Entertainment for all of these gems.



Banana Man!

If you're a fan of The Colbert Report you'll dig this. It's The ThreatDownGenerator. Wicked awesome.

Saved By The Bleep, Saved By The Bell bleeped out to the max!

As if it wasn't hard enough to get people to visit Cleveland already. This video is made of fail.

A great list of some famous overweight bad guys.

Yes, it's called Ivanabitch. I have to try this vodka, with a pickle!

YouTube Poop: Mr. Horse, rubber nipple salesmen remix.

Seriously Hulk, you understand OJ? I think the old Hulkster has finally lost his mind.

If you've checked out my blog, please leave a comment.


It's Easter time again, time to for one of my old favorites "The Easter Bunny Hates You"

In The 80s is a pop culture site devoted to the music, ,movies, television, fashion/fads and world events of the 1980s. It's a neat site for finding old memories.

Here's a Popular Mechanics article listing the top 10 Nerf guns of all time. It's Nerf or nothing.

Funny ass He Man shirt!


Perfect Football with Mr. Perfect



Bumptop-3D Desktop. Pretty friggin cool.

Lifehacker is a pretty sweet site for all you techies out there.
How to track down anyone online.

Breakit 3 is awesome!

I wish I still had this action figure:
"Load the spaceship with the rocket feul, load it with the warriors!"